archimedes ArcEm - The Acorn Archimedes Emulator. I chose RiskOs3.1 so I put it in the RISCOS3 folder. Acorn Archimedes (Games only) Addeddate 01:15:20 Identifier AcornArchimedes201809 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t73v6rt7s. Acorn Archimedes Emulators - Download Acorn Archimedes - Emulator Games. You next put the contents of that zip in the appropriate folder of the ROMS folder. I chose riscos3_10.zip, but the other versions may well work as well. When you unzip and run it, you get a message about missing roms. The emulator that I’ve been using is Arculator – download from here I’m particularly keen to see if anyone actually starts making levels with it, but I guess that’s optimistic.

I’ll be looking into releasing physical copies for collectors and a version for those running Risc OS on Raspberry PI’s shortly. You can now download it and run it in an Archimedes emulator. After this it sat mouldering in a cupboard until I brought the disks to the Risc Os London Show 2018 and Rob Coleman kindly restored it. Play your favorite Acorn Archimedes games on PC, Android and other Devices. LEAF is a game for the Acorn Archimedes which I started in 98, returned to and finished in 2003, never actually released, but displayed at galleries until my A3010 disk drive got tired of touring.